Life With MCTD

 Every week at the same time I take and make two injection one with Orencia and the other MXT. 

Every week I pray that I will feel amazing.  Each week I find that things are different.  Every day is completely different. 

I never know when I wake up will I have the energy to get ready for the day or will going to the bathroom wear me out? 

Will I be able to clean the house and work on my book blog or will I be living in a fog wonder what is going on around me?

Life with MCTD isn't the life I had planned for myself when I turned 40.  Now at 43 I try to put one foot in front of the other hoping each morning when I wake up, I will be able to do all the things I have planned out in my head.  Disappointment when the energy is zapped away after dropping 4 kids off at the different schools.

It takes a hit to my mental health.  One day I couldn't hold my cell phone to even read a book because it took too much energy and the next day, I showered made breakfast and took the dog for a short walk.

Never knowing what the day holds for me is frustrating.  I want to say I want my old life back but what life? The life where I was in pain so much, I couldn't sleep or eat.  Days of extreme pain that even 12 pills of 2 different OTC Medicaine didn't even touch it? No thank you!

Life is always changing.  I can embrace the change or sink into the darkness and let it consume me. 

I would love for the darkness to consume me.  Guess what I am a fighter and embracing the change daily.  

Do not stop living just because a stupid disease is trying to consume your life.  Reach out to the amazing community of Autoimmune fighters that are waking to hold you as you cry.

Welcome to my life with MCTD


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