Wear a Mask it's not about YOU!!
She replied "We all understand you have Health Issues and need to be more sensitive but not all of us can wear a mask 24 hours a day."
I showed my Husband he said ignore it nothing you say will change it. I know this person and my first thought is
1. Do I talk about my disease a lot??
2. Oh great now she is going to gossip about me and TRUST me there is nothing to talk about. I am BORING!!
I open up facebook and start to review all my my post and I maybe post three times about mask and please understand its not about you but others around you and stuff with links to Mayo and other sites. I had posted about my one year anniversary to finding out about MCTD! That was a huge deal and is till a huge part of my life and will always be apart of my life.
HELLO it doesn't get cursed!! I have migraine and have had them since 7th grade. Once again all apart of life. I had the ones where you throw up on the side of the road unable to drive hoping no one hit your car. I have had migraine that I just deal with because its APART OF LIFE!
Thinking about my life I realized most of it has been in some type of physical pain and I do not know anything different.
Yepper I am going to talk about it because it is apart of me. Is it who I am? Nope but it just like everything else in life. I talk about my kids good and bad, I talk about family friends everything. SO why is posting asking people to seek out information before spreading lies a bad thing?

Why am I being sensitive? Because I want people around me to stay healthy and lives??
She complained about an hour long drs appoint having to wear a mask. I am not even allowed to take my kids to their drs appointments because no one wants to be held liable for getting me sick and being sued.
I have to wait for my Husband Day off and ask him on this only day off to take the kids to Drs, Eye and school appointments because I am to stay home.
I guess I am sensitive because I miss being able to do the one job I had which is take care of my family because this virus attacks those who are immune compromised. Guess what you are looking at here......Okk you are reading about my first world problems.
I have to admit this is all very knew for me to have to wear a mask where ever I go. I hate it as much as the next person. If me wearing a mask will keep someone else from getting sick than Hell Yes I will do it!
My husband has to wear one 8 hours a day because he is unable to be 6 ft away from customers. Yet he doesn't get sick or migraine. It just apart of life right now.
I wish I could go back to life before well all the crazy but I can't. I am stuck in the house because I am considered High Risk and it suck!!!
I also know that if I get sick I will be starting all over again with medication therapy, healing and so much more.
Wear your Damn mask people you are not doing it for yourself but you are doing it for those around.
As my amazing husbands likes to say when I get whiney....
Side not if you own a business and post on facebook under your personal name but people know you own a form of medial practice. I suggest you keep those thoughts to yourself. You might lose business like me.
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