I bet you are wondering where part 2 is to my story.


If you know what pregnancy brain is....guess what its back and crazier than ever.!  I love when someone days how can you not remember what I was doing even if I was in mid sentence or if I was making dinner. Its as if my brain just stopped thinking and Boom dinner is burned or I just say never mind I can't remember.  

It is an adventure living with me.  Before my anxiety and ADHD medication my mind was everywhere now I just can't remember unless someone triggers the thought with a word.

That is why part Shoot I just had a brain fart...Oh yea that is why Part 2 hasn't been posted.  As well as online school with a very needed 2nd grader learning 3rd grade curriculum.  Teenager who is a A student but has decided that he doesn't feel like working.  10 year old who is starting to enjoy class after two weeks of anxiety attacks because she changed teachers once again and might change again come the first of the year too.  She hasn't been handling that well.

I have been therapist for my 10 year old. I explained to her I can not force her to go online or learn.  It has to be her choice and her decision and no matter what I will do what I can to help her. The teacher sent the email to the school counselor vs the other teacher who would talk to her one and one and walk her though her fear of the lesson. 

Thankfully my preteen has been amazing. Expect for the fact she refuses to ask for help when she is struggling with math.  

I spend my day running up and down stairs trying to work with the different kids and their issues that arrive at the most inopportune times.

The last three months have been Great to very difficult.  The labs instead show hey look for the first time your cholesterol jumped into the red zone for the first time ever in my life.  In fact my Doctors loves that my cholesterol and is always amazed how perfect it is.  I have to assume that it is due to the newest medication Xeljanz.  The first month was amazing. I felt so much better and I had a whole new body!!  The medication can increase bad Cholesterol as one of the side effects.  I wasn't worried because all my labs showed cholesterol as perfect after one months.

Now that my labs are of but no in the area I had been hoping I have to make a decision when my appointment comes up this week.  Stick with this medication that helps sometimes or do I change to aa biologic?  Another expensive medication.  Without in insurance 4000.$ with insurance it is 932.$ thank you companies for the coupons I was able to get it free. Although the pharmacy that ships it just tossed it on my front step. FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS!!  

Weekly injections of Methotrexate which help a ton.  I can always tell when it is almost Sunday the aches, pain, and other things start happening more often.  Yes Raynauds starts to really act up.  My poor purple toes.

My son loves science so he loves looking at methotrexate chemical bonds.  Lots of nerds in the house. 
If you think you have MCTD or something just isn't right here is another name for mixed connective tissue disease Sharp Syndrome. What is the difference between disease and syndrome? No Clue.  WELL that is not true I did look it up once but tried, brain fog and  school has put it in the back and the file drawer is locked in my brain right now.

I will be honest I had more to write but I completely forgot!! HAHAH LOL 
Maybe she is born with it or maybe it the drugs that keep her ALIVE!!
I have to laugh otherwise well its life and life keeps moving.  Here are the labs they will check in you are wondering if you have this disease or something close to it.


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