What do you have? Really is it RA? Lupus? What is it? Why do you feel sick?


Welcome to my life lately.  Recently my insurance has decided it doesn't want to cover the cost of my injection methotrexate auto injection.  After using it for a solid year they are going to make me pay out of pocket 500. a month and before you ask did I check good rx.  Yes Yes I did.

I have to use a vial 

While most will say the only difference between generic and name brand is the inactive ingredients.  I hate to tell you there is a BIG difference at least when it comes to my body.  I have spent three weeks dry heaving at least 2 solid days.  Where before I didn't have any reaction at all.
Insurance doesn't care because it doesn't cause me any life threating reactions.  Even though my Doctor explained that I am a mom of 4 kids online learning.  Insurance refuses to cover any name branded Injections.  What does that mean? I get to play the drug game. What medication will work with the least amount of side effects.  Funny enough the reason I choose Methotrexate is because of the two starter drugs this one had the least amount of side effects. 

The good news is they are helping cover the cost of my big medication Xeljanz at the price of 2000$.  That right insurance will only cover half the cost of my 4000$ Medication.  Good news at least they have co pay assistance programs otherwise I wouldn't be able to afford any medications for my Rare Autoimmune Disease that I didn't ask for.

On another note to get them to cover the medication my doctor wrote out my diseasse here is the list of things i have.

1.Rheumatoid Arthritis, Unspecified (Primary Diagnosis)

2. Systemic Involvmenet of Connective tissue Unspectified)

3. Mixed Collagen Vasular Disease

4. Migraines

5. Raynaud Disease

6. Mixed Connective Tissue with RNP Positive antibodies

7. Asthna

8. Secondary Fibromyalgia

9. Costochondritis

Last but not least

10. Manubriosternal Inflammations 


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