What I have to have to Live and INSURANCE!


After years of having insurance though my husband company they decided to no longer offer it because there was only 3 people on the company plan.  It would cost over 2000$ a month and the company 2000$ The company ended out contract without telling anyone. I have a MCTD which means I have labs, medication, doctors visit and endless bills that seem to find there way into out lives like LICE! Surprise here is a 200$ you didn't know about.

Recently we joined the Health Care Market place my husband research every single play making sure all out medications are covered. The doctors we see do not take the insurance but we figured as long as mediation is covered it would balance everything out.  After all they covered all of the high cost medications one if 4000k and the other is 625$ a month.  Yup you read that right! 4625 dollars a month for two medications I need to be able to move.

Feeling a hop in my step I had no problem paying 120$ to visit my specialist after all my medications would be some what cover and the coupon would cover the rest. Everything was perfect.  After one week I learned something.....

One medication as covered but only covered 2200$ of the 4000K prescription.  I was able to use a coupon that brought it to FREE!!  I cried for joy as I received the news.   Next came a drug that has been around for decades.  Methotrexate injection.  Now remember my hatband worked with the health insurance company and they promised the medication was covered.  

Fast forward I get a call from the specialty pharmacy  group saying its not covered and the coupon doesn't work until insurance cover a small part.  Trying to keep it together and no lose it. I told my doctors office and they decided the would try the generic that doesn't work nearly as well it is better than nothing which where I was at.  

Insurance comes back with they do not cover any methotrexate unless it is in pill form.  2.5mg pill makes me so sick I am unable to function for three days. ONE 2.5mg pill.  I am on 12.5 mg injection.  The pill wouldn't be possible.  I started my research I discovered it has been a huge issue and on going though out the Autoimmune community. They will take away methotrexate because a person is already on another medication and really it shouldn't be necessary.   

Health Insurance companies are deciding what a person needs not a doctor, or the specialist who has been living breathing this world. Nope the INSURANCE COMPANY!

Now I am two months without my injection and having to increase my prednisone which causes me anxiety issues so I have to keep the dose low and i have been trying to get off the medication for over a year.

Spending hours going though whatever loop hold I can find and talk to everyone and anyone who will listen to me.  I get the same answer we will try this.  

Its like waiting for the college acceptance letter knowing deep down it will be No.

I am not asking for free health care or universal health care.  I am asking for a fair program that will help a mother of 4 lives the best life she can. 


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