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Life With MCTD

 Every week at the same time I take and make two injection one with Orencia and the other MXT.  Every week I pray that I will feel amazing.  Each week I find that things are different.  Every day is completely different.  I never know when I wake up will I have the energy to get ready for the day or will going to the bathroom wear me out?  Will I be able to clean the house and work on my book blog or will I be living in a fog wonder what is going on around me? Life with MCTD isn't the life I had planned for myself when I turned 40.  Now at 43 I try to put one foot in front of the other hoping each morning when I wake up, I will be able to do all the things I have planned out in my head.  Disappointment when the energy is zapped away after dropping 4 kids off at the different schools. It takes a hit to my mental health.  One day I couldn't hold my cell phone to even read a book because it took too much energy and the next day, I showered made ...

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